Family sign
I wanted something
Here is the result...
- long,
- skinny,
- able to hold pictures,
- add some beauty and match the colors of my kitchen and front room (since you can see them both from the front door)
- I wanted the quote "Family, forever, always and no matter what.
- I didn't want to pay a whole lot for it!
Here is the result...
supplies needed:
wood letters
paint of color choice
ribbion to match your room
6 frames- same color and size
really strong glue
clear tape
1. Went to local craft store, picked out my wood letters (mine are about 8 inches tall).
2. bought all the supplies listed above. Got everything on sale, bigger bonus! I went to the dollar store, and bought 6 matching 5x7 frames. I didn't want to use anything too expensive, just in case it didn't work out.
3. Paint letters, and let them dry
While they are drying you get to have a snack, change out a load of laundry, check your blog, all that fun stuff that makes the world go round!
4. When you are ready to work again, tie your ribbion onto the dry letters. I just added a little ribbion here and there until I was happy with the way it looked.
5. This is the hardest step of the whole thing. Pick 6 pictures~! I spent hours getting lost in pictures and trying to find some that had all the family in them! It was a really treat I tell you!
6 Once you weed out the good and find just the right ones, then you want to add your words. I used Adobe on my computer, but I think you can do it in word as well, just write over the top of your pictures. The quote I wanted is "Forever Always and no matter what." so each of my pictures has one word on it.
I wanted my pictures black and white so that they did not overwhelm the wall, and I wanted them cheap, so I just went into my Adobe program, lighted up the area where I wanted the words, added words to each picture. (on the picture above, i photoshoped the words in so you can see them, and there aren't any pictures yet- easier for you to see the words.) I did notice that I need to go back and lighten some areas even more, because the words are harder to see on the wall... that will get to wait for another day.
7. Print your pictures. I did mine on the printer, on regular paper and am happy with how they look. You can also just print them at the store, but then you get to wait for them!
8. Line up your frames, upsidedown, and get your super strong glue out.
9. One at a time, glue your frames together- I used the 5inch side on each of my frames, you can mix yours up however you like. Make sureyou line them up and only get enough glue to hold the frames together... you don't want glue spewing out the front, not pretty!
10. If you can, check to make sure you don't have glue anywhere it shouldn't be and if you do, quickly wipe that away.
11. You get a quick break! Let the glue dry ALL THE WAY! It doesn't take as long as it seems... really. so do something else fabulous for a couple of minutes and then go back and check on it.
12. Or if you like you can use this time to trim your pictures and get them in order.
13. if you took a break- now trim your pictures and get them in order. Place them in the frames in order.
14. lift it up and make sure you have it in order.
15. I used a little clear packaging tape on the seems of the glued frames to make sure they stay where I wanted them, and keep the backs on the frames.
16. Make sure you have your pictures the correct dirrection and order.
17. now take a black ribbion and either tie or glue it to each letter (I glued mine so I could get them just where I wanted them to hang... but I glued them a lot- meaning that the glue goes as far down the letter as I could get it. )
18. Let that dry a couple mins...
19. I used the hooks on the back of the frame to hold the ribbion in place, and then glued it down with that super strong glue, just to make sure it didn't go anywhere.
20. Let it dry a couple mins,
21. Hang it up! (measuring, hanging it straight, you are on your own!) I used 4 nails to get it on the wall.
22. Get a bowl of ice cream and enjoy the view! Or take a picture and post it on your blog to add some joy to someone elses day!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
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