My Hubby LOVES Halloween!
1. Let the kids make a Thanksgiving/Christmas countdown. Every day they get to eat one candy. (we usually forget a lot of times, but then there is extra to share with visitors throughout the season)
Roll out plastic wrap- down a long hall is best- take the candy and wrap it up, tie each of the sides with curling ribbon, and each day snip one off! My family is so big that I needed to do snack bags and just tie them on- or put them in a big tub! This will take up a lot of wall space if you decide to hang it up. Ours went around all the pictures in our front room!
2.Save some of that for Christmas! Give Santa a little break and freeze (or hide) some of that candy! Be sure it doesn't have Halloween pictures on it, and put it away. It's great to stuff stockings with, and it doesn't cost you a thing!
3. Send it to the troops over seas- I've only done this for our family soldiers, but I know there are programs out there to send it with.
4. There are dentists all over that will buy it from you- you wont make much, but it's better than all that sugar!
5. Introduce your kids to the "Switch Witch". If they leave out their candy, (after you let them have a piece or two) then the Switch Witch will come that night and switch the candy with a movie (or a whole movie night with a bag of popcorn and Capri suns!), a new coloring book and crayons, or any kind of fun thing you can think of that your kids would like. then refer to the list to see how you can get rid of the candy without eating it all yourself!
6. Donate it to your kids school! I often have teachers who have Stores for box tops, class stores, or give the kids small candies throughout the year for various things. They also often need it for ginger bread houses. The money for these treats comes right out of the teachers pocket. Share the booty for a season, and lighten their load! (Teachers will also take McDonald's toys or other small toys your kids don't play with anymore, if they are in good condition.) Just talk with them and see what kinds of programs they are using.
7.Use it in your baking- one year my hubby got sick of the candy and chopped it all up and put it in the freezer. Whenever I made pancakes I would get some out and put it in the batter. Then I didn't need syrup, and the kids loved it!
8. Candy is AMAZING for decorating cakes! If you can withstand having some in your home, use it throughout the year for birthdays and friends birthdays! Anything like taffy and tootsie rolls can be warmed a little in the microwave and used to mold anything you want!
9. Save it for Valentines day. Let the kids pick out what they will want in the beginning, so you will have enough of one kind of candy for each child (I usually plan on 25-30 per kid.. and it makes my life easier if each kid has only one kind, and it is different from each of the other kids)
10. Science Experiments- candy is great for
11.- just one more! Let your kids know you want to do a gingerbread house party! Save that candy for a little while, and invite friends over for a great party! All you need is graham crackers and frosting (well maybe a little more festive candies...)
If you have more left over after all these things, you need to join my hubby on Halloween night for a candy collecting contest!!!